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Return, Refund, Shipping, and Cancellation Policies


Returns, Refunds, Exchanges of Merchandise


What items may be returned?

You may return most unopened items purchased at our Online Store within three weeks (30 days) of the original delivery. We cannot accept returns of items that have been damaged, worn, or soiled. All clothing tags must still be intact. Items must be in a condition suitable for resale.


What if an item is defective or is not what I ordered?

In the rare case that your shipment contains a defective item or we accidentally sent you the wrong item, we will ship you a replacement at no charge and credit the cost of your return shipping charges once your return is received. If you don’t wish to receive a replacement item, we will credit your account for the merchandise amount. Please include all original packaging and a brief note explaining the defect, or indicate on your receipt the item shipped in error.


How do I return an item purchased from the Online Store?

We will pay return shipping costs if the product is defective or the return is a result of our error. If the item is returned for any other reason, you are responsible for return shipping costs and may be charged a $5 restocking fee per item. Returns must be shipped prepaid. We recommend using UPS or FedEx over USPS so that you have tracking and delivery confirmation.  Use the "Return Request Form" on our "Help!" page to submit your request.  Unauthorized returns will not be accepted. We will credit your charge account within 7 days of receiving the returned item.



Refunds and Cancellations of "Be a Robot" Service
You may cancel your order for a "Be a Robot" Service any time before the recording session to receive a full refund.  A credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment, within 7 days.  Once the recording session has been completed, you are no longer eligible for a refund,  however you may cancel the service at any time.  



Merchandise is shipped within the Continental United States Only.   You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item (s).


Ship authorized returns to:

Vermont Clothing Company
88 Walnut Street
Saint Albans, VT 05478


You MUST complete a Return Request Form first (see "Help!" page)



Robots available in US only at this time. Coming soon to Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand.

Merchandise available in the continental US only.

Follow Us:

Policies and Agreements

The Jolly Roger Telephone Company, a "Roger the Phone Guy" invention.
710 S. Myrtle Avenue, Unit 273

Monrovia, CA 91016


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General Questions always welcome via email at :

Website by Metaphone Consulting

Payment Methods:

+ Amex, Discover, and more!!!!

© 2017 by the Jolly Roger Telephone Company

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